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Happy New Year from SafePath®

02 Feb 2018BY safepathIN Education CATEGORY WITH 0 COMMENTS

Happy New Year from SafePath®

Here at SafePath®, 2018 is off to a busy start! With the launch of our new line of Giardia antigen test kits in November, our team has been working harder than ever, and we’re looking forward to some exciting things in the coming months.

We recently promoted our long-time employee, Jennifer Lindham, to QA Manager. Congratulations to Jen! We also hired a new Formulations Technician in November.

From February 4-7, SafePath® will be exhibiting our products and services at the Veterinary Meeting and Expo (VMX) in Orlando, FL, hosted by the North American Veterinary Community (NAVC). This conference will bring together veterinary professionals from around the world to learn about the latest animal care trends, practices, and laboratory tools. Learn more at http://navc.com/conference/.

From March 20-22, Christopher Lambillotte, SafePath’s VP of Business Development, will be a presenter at the Millipore/Sigma Lateral Flow Test Development Seminar in Durham, NC. He’ll be talking about USDA licensing of rapid diagnostic test kits for application in veterinary offices and veterinary laboratories.

We hope that your 2018 is off to just as exciting a start, and we’d love to work with you in 2018 to meet your contract manufacturing, USDA licensing/permitting or rapid veterinary diagnostic test kit needs!